The story follows Solène Marchand, a 40-year-old mother and owner of a prestigious art gallery in Los Angeles, who falls for a considerably younger British popstar, idolized by her 12-year-old daughter. Lee's debut novel The Idea Of You was published on 13 June 2017 by St.
Lee played Ros Bailey in Fifty Shades Darker (2017) and Fifty Shades Freed (2018), the sequels to Fifty Shades of Grey. From 2017 to 2018, she starred in the Syfy horror drama series, Superstition. From 2013 to 2014, she played Avery Daniels in the first season of the critically acclaimed BET drama series, Being Mary Jane. In 2007, Lee had the recurring role on the TBS sitcom Tyler Perry's House of Payne and shot an independent film called This Is Not a Test. In 2009, Lee co-starred alongside Don Cheadle in the comedy film Hotel for Dogs. As lead actress, she starred in the 2008 comedy-drama This Is Not a Test. In 2008, she co-starred again with Smith in the drama film Seven Pounds playing his character's fiancee. In 2005, Lee had a role in box-office hit Hitch, starring Will Smith. In 2003, Lee appeared in two films, action comedy National Security, with Martin Lawrence and Steve Zahn, and opposite LL Cool J and Gabrielle Union in the romantic comedy Deliver Us from Eva. She also appeared in R&B singer Usher's music video for his 2004 single " Confessions Part II". On television, Lee also guest-starred on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Numbers. She spent the following years working in smaller films, and well as co-starred in television movies include The Runaway opposite Debbi Morgan. A graduate of Yale University and Columbia Law School, Lee began her acting career as part of the ensemble cast of the romantic comedy Hav Plenty in 1997, which was shown at Toronto Film Festival. Lee was born in Mount Vernon, New York on July 16.